Installing and Designing PV Systems
This 40-hour comprehensive training covers how solar photovoltaic systems work, how they are designed, how to predict the output of a system, and how systems are installed. The training will cover the fundamentals of PV, such as how voltage, current, power and energy interrelate, and also fundamental knowledge about the economics and expected payback period. This exam prep instruction validates proficiency and aids in the promotion of occupational upward mobility within the industry. It also encompasses the five Photovoltaic Associate exam Job Task Analysis domains which will demonstrate an understanding of: Application, Sales and Economics, Design, Installation, and Operation and Maintenance.Mobile in-person training site available in the State of Georgia.
Read the Associate Handbook for further credentialing information.
Click on Provider link for class schedule, price & other details.
Course Format Options: In-Person
Length: 40 Hours
Language: EnglishQualifies for PV Associate Exam: Yes